
Uudised ja info

Mürast lähemalt

FLEXIBLE WALLS FOR ENVIRONMENTS WITH HIGH REQUIREMENTS For rooms with high demands on sound insulation Winab can offer movable walls and folding walls that are tested and classified according to domestic standards and international requirements. The walls are tested...

Võta ühendust

Emero Wall OÜ  Reg. nr. 11554842

VAT no. EE101304621

Asume: Tähetorni 21 Tallinn Asukoht kaardil

Telefon: +372 660 6654  E-mail:

Projektijuht: Marek Suursalu,  +372 502 0207,

Projektijuht: Tarvo Nelson, +372 58 141 596,

Projektijuht: Andrus Onna, +372 521 0864,