For rooms with high demands on sound insulation Winab can offer movable walls and folding walls that are tested and classified according to domestic standards and international requirements.
The walls are tested under laboratory conditions and have gained an approved laboratory value denoted Rw. The laboratory Rw value is different from the field Rw value. The field value is measured in the actual environment where construction is built and usually lands about 3-6 dB lower than the Rw value. Flank transmission often occurs with sound slipping over, under and next to the wall. This may in some instances reduce the field value even more.
The walls have been sound tested by the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute and sound classed with a noise reduction equivalent to Rw 41-53 dB lab value. The field value will be slightly lower.
The perception of sound is largely subjective and subjectively linked to the individual at a particular time. Here follow some guidelines for how the varying degrees of sound insulation can be perceived in different situations.
R’w 48-51 dB Offers conversational privacy
Screams and loud sound activities can however be heard. A soundproofing level which, however, offers acceptable conditions in environments where the confidentiality requirements are not complete but the privacy requirements are clear.
R’w 44-47 dB Provides some conversational privacy
Single words in loud conversation can be heard but not really perceived. A sound insulation level that can be considered as a relatively high standard for instance in office spaces where work areas must be separated from the conference room.
R’w 40-43 dB Loud conversations can be perceived
yet are difficult to distinguish in detail. A sound insulation level that can be regarded as being the minimum standard where there are requirements regarding sound insulation and privacy.
R’w 32-39 dB Normal conversation can be heard
at lower sound insulation levels. At the upper levels single words can be heard at normal conversational levels but can be difficult to perceive. A low insulation standard which can be acceptable in cases where there are low requirements regarding sound insulation.
The acoustics in the room are caused by sound waves bouncing around between the walls, floor and ceiling. When you can get the sound to stop bouncing around the room the sound in the room is perceived as being more pleasant.
In the sound school we hope that you learn to better understand the various concepts used on the pages relating to sound. Sound waves spread out and always seek the easiest path, which is why we have to build in a smart way to outwit the sound.
Flank transmission
This means that sound passes to another room through material. Our walls are built to stop the sound from passing through them into another room. It is important that even the connecting structure is built to stop sound. The picture shows the usual ways that the sound gets past the wall. Ceiling plasterboard or gypsum board and floor boards should end with the wall and not continue below and above the wall. Sound is happy to accompany installations and joists. Take this into consideration regarding the connecting structure because then you will be able to achieve the field value required by the premises.
dB – Decibels
Decibels (dB) are used to describe sound levels or values. The wall sound level is a measurement of how well the wall stops the sound waves that our ears perceive as being noise. The higher the dB value, the more resistant the wall is.
The walls’ sound reduction values are stated as Rw when we sell our products. It is the sound levels that the walls have achieved in the laboratory. The test protocols show that the walls have been approved for the sound level that they have been tested for.
When the walls are installed in the room where the wall will sit, the sound levels are checked using a new measurement. We then measure the field value (R’w). Usually the field value is measured as being 3-6 dB lower than laboratory value. If the structures around the wall do not meet their own sound requirements then the field value will be even worse than this.
The acoustics in the room describes how the sound is perceived by our ear in the room. The room’s acoustics are affected by sound propagation and dampening determined by the configuration of the room, the materials (absorption) and the framework (construction and sound insulation of the walls, floors and ceilings). With the correct use of our walls in combination with the right surface finishes you have the opportunity to influence the room’s environment and achieve the acoustics that you desire.
Sound is muted when the sound wave energy is absorbed by a material. Warm materials such as fabrics have the ability to capture sound waves energy so we gladly recommend our customers that they use the solutions as offered by Quiet Solutions. A fabric covered absorbent material on our walls covers quickly and cleanly a large surface area which allows the acoustics in the room to be perceived as being more comfortable.
Reverberations are sounds that continue to be heard even after the sound source itself ceases to be heard. The sound bounces between the different surfaces in the room and can create unwanted sounds from unexpected quarters. Sound-absorbing materials and well located angles help to minimize reverberations.
In the workplace the aim is to avoid noise which means all sounds that are not desirable. Every workplace has their own individual noise problems and they need to find their own solution to reach their own sound goals. Winab folding walls has the solutions to improve the noise level within the working environment. Describe your problem and we will help you to find an appropriate solution.